Proms and Graduation Parties are two of the most popular types of high school parties, and are accordingly two fantastic reasons to celebrate all the achievements accomplished during your high school years! Know that this special time in one's life should be a time of celebration and for that reason everything should be done to make sure that this special occasion creates memories that will be carried throughout an entire lifetime.
When it comes time to host a Prom and/or Graduation Party, there are many things to do to make sure that every guest has the best night ever! A date and time need to be set, a budget needs to be in place, a venue needs to be found, food and drinks need to be ordered, a guest list needs to be prepared, a theme needs to be chosen, and the entertainment must be something that everyone is going to enjoy. Remember, although it may be a lot of fun to plan a Prom or Graduation Party, it does require a lot of time and effort to make sure it's done right!
Need a New, Super Fun Party Entertainment Idea?
Sparkbooth is the answer! Since everyone likes their picture to be taken, why not try Sparkbooth at your next Prom or Graduation Party!? It is super fun, super easy, and all you need is the software, a computer webcam, and a printer.
In order to help make your Prom or Graduation Party one that will be easily remembered, know that you can easily include Sparkbooth as part of your entertainment. These photos are special in that you are able to modify them so that you can make them more personal to fit the particular occasion. For example, you can add the text 'Prom Night' or 'Best Friends Forever!' to your photo.
Sparkbooth is a software program that gives party goers the ability to take photos of themselves and then share these photos with their friends, making it a great asset to any party! Similar to the old-style photo booths, you simply pose and click to take your photos! Remember those 4 vertical prints that you probably still have tucked away in a box somewhere from getting you're your picture taken with friends in the old-style photo booths? Welcome to the world of Sparkbooth!
Therefore, Sparkbooth is affordable, easy to use, and can be used over and over again for new parties because taking photos will never go out of style!
Prom Party Ideas and/or Themes
It's your Prom Night! First and foremost, have fun! Next, make sure your Prom Party theme is considered to be a popular one, which will help to ensure that everyone abides by the theme as closely as possible.
A Night at the Oscars
Have everyone dress up as their favorite Oscar winning movie star! Tom Cruise. James Franco. Brad Pitt. Johnny Depp. Wil Smith. Natalie Portman. Meryl Streep. Julia Roberts. Reese Witherspoon.
Famous Couples
Dress up as a famous couple, from long ago or in today's world. Cleopatra and Antony. Romeo and Juliet. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.
Choose a decade to represent your theme. 1950's-Poodle Skirts. Jeans and t-shirts. Slicked back hair. Rock n' Roll. Andy Warhol. 1970's-Peace and Love. Disco. Star Wars.
Choose a city or famous place to represent your them. Paris in the Spring. New York City. India's Taj Mahal.
Graduation Party Ideas and/or Themes

So you've done it! You've graduated from high school, which is a tremendous and wonderful accomplishment. Congratulations!
Dress as you would to represent your career choice. Doctor? Lawyer? Police Woman/Man? Candy Taster? Pilot? Farmer?
Favorite Career People
Choose a favorite person that currently works in your chosen career field. Journalism-Oprah Winfrey. Chef-Jamie Oliver. Doctor-Dr. Oz.
Post High School Parties
So everyone's already graduated from high school and have moved on to fulfilling their life's hopes and dreams. Great! Whether it's been 1 year, 5 years, or 10 years since your high school class graduated, know that planning for a high school reunion should be just as much fun as the original. And just imagine how much fun it will be to see everyone from your high school days! You can share your post high school achievements as well as reminisce of days gone by.
Endless Possibilities!
When you choose to host a post high school party, you really are open to using any theme that you consider to be relevant to either pre or post high school times.
The Details - How to Use Sparkbooth
Sparkbooth uses a very straightforward platform, which offers lots of fun options.
Setting Up: First, you need to get a computer (with Sparkbooth software already installed), a webcam, and a printer together and then place them in an area that is easy to get to, yet out of the way. Maybe there's an empty wall or a corner space where you can set up a table to put the computer and printer on so that the camera is pointed at a particular background or focal point.
Tips and Suggestions:
- Create a "Photo Booth" Sign. Creating a special sign lets the guests know that you have an actual Photo Booth available where they can take photos of themselves.
- Set up a Theme/Background. Choose one of the preset themes that are already available in Sparkbooth's library or choose to use your own background.
- Customize the Photo Layout Background. Insert a logo and/or a text message in order to personalize the photo. For example, you can type in, "My Prom Party, 2012".
Taking Photos: Stand directly in front of the web camera. Strike a pose. Click. It's really that easy to do! You are able to look at your photo before printing, allowing you to pick and choose which photo's you want to actually print out.
Printing Photos: Print out your photos in a strip of 4, or a 2-by-2 format. Both have the ability for you to add in your own personalized text and/or graphics. You can choose to preview the photo before actually printing to make sure that it is exactly how you want it to be.
Bottom Line
Sparkbooth gives you the ability to add something new and unique to your Prom and/or Graduation Party. A picture is considered to be one of the most treasured items that a person can have, and by choosing to use Sparkbooth you are choosing a way that allows your guests to create and share their very own photos, which will surely be the hit of the party. Know that when you choose to use Sparkbooth at your next Prom or Graduation Party, you are making memories that will last a lifetime!