
Posts Tagged "facebook"

Facebook post to account share settings screenshot

The 4.2.40 update includes some major features:

  • New Facebook "Post to Account Page then Share" guest upload option. Posts the photo to the configured Facebook account or page, then your guests can share the post from their Facebook account. Using this option does not require Facebook app review for custom Facebook apps.
  • Automatically create new Facebook photo albums if the 100 photo limit has been reached
  • Use new Facebook like dialog for pages. Facebook has retired the previous like dialog.
  • Fix chroma keying issue for green-ish blue and yellow colors
  • [DSLR] Add Canon EOS 7D Mark II support
  • [DSLR] Add Live View bulb mode setting for dark preview using external flash. This option requires enabling "Use external flash or AF", and camera set to M or Tv mode. dark_live_view_bulb_mode
  • Other fixes and improvements. See release notes for all changes

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Last week Facebook made a change to their sign in process that affected Sparkbooth's ability to upload photos to Facebook. Sparkbooth, Sparkbooth Photo Kiosk, and Sparkbooth DSLR have been updated to handle this change. Please update if you use the Facebook uploaders in any of those applications.

Graduation Theme and Layouts

New graduation theme and layouts are now available in Sparkbooth 3.8.13. Other changes with this release:

  • Cancelable count down
  • Update callback url for Facebook, Twitter, and others
  • Optimize printing
  • Optimize previews

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Sparkbooth 3.8.9 update is now available. This update allows you always send photos into the Send It Later queue regardless of the selected uploader. So you can select the one of the "Guest" uploaders to allow guests to post photos to their own Facebook or Twitter accounts. Then later after the event, you can upload all the queued photos to your Facebook page or other location.

To use this feature:

  1. Go to Sparkbooth Settings
  2. Go to Uploading and select "Guest Upload Chooser", "Guest Facebook", or "Guest Twitter"
  3. Check the option at the bottom of to "Queue into Send It Later"

Now as photos are taken, guests will be given the option to upload to their Facebook or Twitter account, and the photo will be queued in "Send It Later". After the event, you can go to the "Send It Later" upload settings and upload photo to a Facebook page or other upload location.

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Basketball photo booth theme and layouts

Soccer photo booth theme and layouts

Just in time for March Madness, Sparkbooth now includes new themes and layouts for Basketball and Soccer! Also new to Sparkbooth 3.8:

  • Scaled up 4 x 6 layouts to 1200 x 1800px. Your existing backgrounds and overlays will continue to work. If you update them to the new size, they will look better when printed.
  • Switch Twitter uploaders to new Twitter service. The old service will be shutoff soon.
  • Improved Facebook login to only allow login

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Announcing Sparkbooth 3.6! This update works with the Sparkbooth Layout Creator. Sparkbooth Layout Creator is a visual drag and drop editor for creating your own photo layouts / templates. The Layout Creator is free to all Commercial license customers. There are also new features for Consumer license customers, check out the change list below!

Click to play video
Facebook Like Dialog
Facebook like dialog and Chinese New Year theme
Follow Twitter
Automatically follow Twitter account
Chinese New Year Layouts
Chinese New Year photo layouts

Changes in this release:

  • Chinese New Year theme and photo layouts
  • Hypnotic animated loading messages
  • Cycle through different Twitter tweet texts. Under Captions setting for Twitter uploaders, separate tweet text by using ";". This will help with Twitter preventing tweets of the same value
  • [Commercial] Guest Facebook upload can display Like dialog for your Facebook Page. After guests post the photo to their Facebook account, they can "Like" your Facebook Page. Increase fans for your Facebook page! This is a Commercial feature you can enable under Setting > Commercial. Do not forget there is already an automatic Twitter Follow option under Commercial settings!
  • [Commercial] Import Sparkbooth Layout files created using Layout Creator. Try out the Sparkbooth Layout Creator now.
  • Other minor fixes and optizations Upgrade to Sparkbooth 3.6 from 3.5 by pressing the update link on the About screen, or press the Download button below.

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Changes to 3.5.37 include:

  • Today Facebook will be enforcing breaking changes to their authentication process. This affects the Commercial custom Facebook app sign in. Facebook has also started showing a scary the security warning text on their sign in success page. This update fixes the custom Facebook app for these changes, and you will no longer see the security warning. If you have previously setup a custom Facebook app, you will need to add an application domain at http://developer.facebook.com/apps for your app and add a callback url in Sparkbooth. The video tutorial for creating and setting up your custom Facebook app has been updated for this. If you have an existing Facebook app, here are some update instructions.
  • New prompt setting to allow photo to be sent to multiple accounts (by emails, guest Facebook, guest Twitter, or Send It Later prompts). Go to Settings > Prompts > check "Upload photo to another account". This is useful for sending the same photo to multiple guests.
  • "Send It Later" uploader has option to not clear uploaded photos. This option is useful if you want to upload photos to more than one destination. For example, if you had prompted for email address - you can now email guests their photos, and then upload to your Facebook page
  • Remove delay between count down and photo being taken. Previously there was a half second delay from the end of the count down to photo being taken.
  • Auto enable Show banner when selecting banner image.

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Sparkbooth 3.5 screenshot
Sparkbooth 3.5 screenshot

Sparkbooth 3.5 is now available in both Consumer and Commercial editions. Both deliver an easy and affordable way to set up an instant photo booth at any location or special event. The new Commercial edition includes advanced capabilities for event planners, business professionals and service providers.

Change new to Sparkbooth 3.5:

  • New animations for countdown and previews
  • Added new Retro theme
  • Added Photobucket uploader
  • Added Google+ / Picasa uploader
  • Added more 4 x 8 layouts
  • No longer need to pre-install Adobe AIR runtime
  • Commercial only features:
    • Photo album kiosk mode
    • Take wide 4 x 6 photos, not just square photos
    • Customize Facebook uploader share link
    • Customize Twitter uploader share link

Sparkbooth 3.5 is available immediately. The Consumer edition is priced at $59, and the Commercial edition at a special introductory price of $100. Free trial versions are available for both.

If you have already own a Sparkbooth 3 license, this is a free upgrade. Sparkbooth 3.5 is a separate install, so you will need to activate it with your license key. If you want to upgrade your license key to a Commercial license key, please stay tune - upgrade pricing will be available soon.

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Facebook recently made some changes to their service that affected the Facebook uploaders in Sparkbooth. Sparkbooth 3.4.28 addresses these changes which include:

  • Clear previous Facebook session for "Guest Facebook" uploader. So the previous guest's email is no longer displayed on the sign in screen.
  • Fix "Malformed access token" error when signing into Facebook.
  • Fix saving of max guest print setting
  • Prevent application minimize when locked

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The Sparkbooth 3.4.20 update provides some changes to the Facebook and Guest Facebook uploaders to handle changes to Facebook apps. Facebook provides apps 2 weeks before expiring access. So you will need to re-authenticate your access periodically. The Facebook uploader now shows this expire date. Please update if you use the Facebook uploader.

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The Sparkbooth 3.4.13 update is a maintenance update to fix the following issues:

  • Fixed tumblr uploader on Macs
  • Removed F key shortcut for toggling fullscreen mode. Please use F7 instead.
  • Fix Facebook uploader prompted sign in on start up. Facebook recently removed offline permissions which caused this issue.
  • Remove apps from Facebook uploader. Facebook no longer allows photo uploads to an app, please use an app page instead.

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I need help testing the "Send It Later" feature in Sparkbooth 3.4. This new feature will allows you to queue up photos, and send them later when you have an internet connection.

Click to play video

If you find any issues, please send me a message

Sparkbooth 3.2.2 is now available. Changes include:

  • Guest Twitter uploader can now use non-Twitter photo hosting service. The Twitter photo hosting service is sometimes unavailable or over loaded - when this happens you can use a different photo hosting service like Twitrpix or others. To configure the photo hosting service, select the Guest Twitter uploader in the Upload settings tab.
  • Twitter uploader now displays media upload limits. Twitter limits the number of photo uploaded to its site per Twitter account - you can see the current daily limit by selecting the Twitter uploader in the Upload settings tab. If you need more uploads per account, please use another Twitter photo service like Twitrpix which has no daily limit.
  • Twitter uploader returns more specific error messages to let you know if the Twitter photo upload service is unavailable or overloaded.
  • Improved tumblr uploader - easier to use
  • Guest Facebook and Twitter sign in input fields have focus on display. You no longer need to click on the sign in fields before typing.
  • More consistent upload status messages.
  • Smaller file size
  • Other minor fixes

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Guest Upload Chooser Screen
Guest Upload Chooser Screen

Sparkbooth 3.2.0 is now available. With this update, you can now let your guests choose where to send their photos. They will be presented with the option to upload the photo to their Facebook or Twitter account, or sent to their email address. To enable this feature, select "Guest Upload Chooser" in the settings Upload tab. If you want to email, you will need to select either SendGrid or Postmark for the email service, and provide your account credentials for the service.

Other changes include:

  • New look for touch controls.
  • Fixed display of virtual keyboard for email
  • New portrait images for layout selection preview. To re-generate the layout previews using the new portraits, go to Settings > select Options tab > select User Controls from drop down list > press the Reset button under Photo Layout Selection.
New Touchscreen Controls
New Touchscreen Controls

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Guest Facebook Uploader with virtual keyboard

Sparkbooth 3.1.1 update is now available. Changes in this update includes:

  • Virtual keyboard is now enabled for the Guest Facebook and Twitter uploaders.
  • Remaining time pauses when guest is typing.
  • Email input field is limited to only valid email characters. So you can no longer accidentally enter spaces.

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Sparkbooth 3.0.10 preview update is now available. This update includes the new Facebook Guest uploader which will upload photos into your guest's Facebook account. Guests will be prompted for permission to upload into their Facebook account for each photo session.

Facebook Guest Uploader Prompt

Other changes include centering of on-screen messages when video screen is not displayed.

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Starting Oct 1, 2011, Facebook is requiring all applications to use OAuth 2.0 for their APIs. If you are using the Facebook uploader, please update to this version in order to continue to upload photos to Facebook.

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This update includes:

  • Fix watermark on preview for layout selection
  • Switch off click/touch to start, if start button is displayed
  • Option to select layout with ctrl-J or cmd-J

The previous changes and features for Sparkbooth 3:

  • Added SendGrid to email photos to users. Select this option in Uploaders settings.
  • Added Postmarkapp.com to email photos to users. Select this option in Uploaders settings.
  • Added option to submit emails to MailChimp mailing lists. To turn on this option, go to Settings, select Option tab, select Saving from list and check the "Submit Email to MailChimp Mailing List" option. You will need to also select the Prompt for email option.
  • New touch screen controls. To enable, go to Settings > Options tab > User Controls.
  • New on-screen keyboard used for user prompts.
  • New on-screen photo layout selection and layout preview, so your users can now select the layout to use. Only layouts marked as "Favorite" will be displayed.
  • New on-screen color button so your users can change video filters.
  • New on-screen start button as an alternative to the "Click to start" option.
  • Option to always hide mouse cursor. Useful for touch screen users.
  • Enable Facebook page albums selection.
  • Fixed missing "z" key from on-screen keyboard.
  • Fixed Posterous and SmugMug uploader issues.
  • Other minor fixes

This preview does not include the Canon camera or the native webcam features. These are still under development, but feel free to email me if you want to try it. If you want to use your Canon camera, please read the instructions carefully to get access.

You can use your Sparkbooth license to activate this preview. If you have a Sparkbooth Party Edition license, I will be offering an upgrade to Sparkbooth which will allow you to get Sparkbooth 3. Details coming soon, or please email me if you can't wait.

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Small maintenance release, changes includes:

  • Added secure Facebook login. If you use the Facebook uploader, you can setting your Facebook account to use secure login (https) with Sparkbooth. To turn on secure login, go to Facebook and sign into your account, in the upper-left select the Account menu, then Account Settings, and then Account Security. In the Account Security section, you can switch on https which will encrypt your sign in information.
  • Cleaned up camera sound
  • Upload log is now split by day

  • Facebook uploader logout button now clears browser session, so login form will be display the next time you need to log into Facebook. Deleting Facebook permissions is no longer needed to change login.
  • Revert back to new Facebook login form now that Facebook has fix their permission page.
  • Photo saving check if file path exists before saving. If path does not exist, photo will be saved to default "sparkbooth" folder in Documents folder.
  • Photo color names (Color, Black & White, Sepia, Fotomatic) can now be changed. Select F1 for Settings > select Options tab > select On Screen Messages in list.

The recent release of Sparkbooth allows photo uploads to Facebook Fan Pages that you administer. You can create pages around your interests, businesses, or anything. To setup a Facebook page:

  1. Sign into your Facebook account
  2. Go to Facebook Fan Pages and create your page

For more information on how to create Facebook Pages, see this helpful article.

Sparkbooth Facebook Settings

Now you are ready to setup Sparkbooth to post photos to your Facebook page:

  1. Start Sparkbooth
  2. Press F1 to display Settings
  3. Select the Upload tab
  4. Select Facebook from the uploader list
  5. Click the "Login to Facebook" button and authorize Sparkbooth to upload to your account
  6. Select the Page in the "Upload To" list
  7. Click the OK button and you are ready to go. Photos will be uploaded and posted to your Page's Sparkbooth album (which you can rename) at the end of each photo session.

This is a beta feature so please let me know how it works for you and if you have any suggestions.

MobyPicture post to multiple sites settings

You have an account on Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and your own Wordpress blog, and you want Sparkbooth to upload photos to all of these sites? I suggest you check out MobyPicture.com. MobyPicture provides a service to upload photos to all your accounts, when you post a photo to MobyPicture. Sparkbooth has uploaders that uses your MobyPicture or Twitter account to upload to MobyPicture. To add all your accounts to uploading in MobyPicture:

  1. To go MobyPicture.com
  2. Sign into your account
  3. Click the "services" link at the top of the page to add your Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Wordpress, and other accounts
  4. Start Sparkbooth
  5. Press F1 to display Settings
  6. Select the Upload tab
  7. Select "MobyPicture" or "MobyPicture Twitter" from the upload list. Use MobyPicture to sign in using your MobyPicture account username. Use MobyPicture Twitter, if you want to sign in using your Twitter account.
  8. Press the OK button and now photos will be uploaded to MobyPicture and from MobyPicture to your other accounts.

Changes in this release include

  • Fix Facebook blank permissions page
  • Add ability to upload to Facebook Pages (beta)
  • Remove old Facebook uploader
  • Add Posterous 2.0 API uploader
  • Add MobyPicture 1.0 API uploader
  • Rename MobyPicture Twitter authenticated uploader

Facebook request for permissions

If you use the Facebook upload feature in Sparkbooth, you may have had problems signing into Facebook. Facebook recently made a change causing the permission page to display a blank white screen in Sparkbooth. There is a work around and fix available.

Sparkbooth 2.3.4 has been released. The release added a Facebook uploader using the new Facebook Graph API. The old Facebook uploader in Sparkbooth still exists, but will eventually be deprecated and replaced by the Facebook Graph version. Fixes were also made to the Flickr uploader.

One year ago, Sparkbooth debuted at the Adobe MAX conference as part a promotion for Adobe’s purchasing system. The product was a much simpler piece of software - little graphics, no voice prompts, no animation, no printing, no uploading. Very different from what it is today. Thanks to all the great feedback and encouragement from Sparkbooth customers, the software was improved to what you see today. But there is more to come. Keep an eye out for some very exciting changes and additions in next few months. Look for announcements here, on Facebook, or Twitter

Thank you! And Happy Halloween!

What's new with Sparkbooth 2:

  • Print automatically without the print setup dialog displayed
  • New user interface and animated timer
  • New skin themes
  • New voice prompts
  • Customize all photo layouts with overlay and background
  • SmugMug uploads
  • Flickr uploads
  • Fix Facebook extended permissions
  • Minimum screen size is now 600px by 400px
  • More count down and timing options
  • Save individual photos
  • Customizable logo
  • Option to upload and print

If you have a license for Sparkbooth 1, you can update to Sparkbooth 2 for free. Just start-up the application and it will prompt you to update.

If you have Sparkbooth 2 beta installed, you will need to uninstall the beta before installing the release version of Sparkbooth 2. You may have to reactivate the install, here are a couple FAQ articles that may help you with activating or resetting your activations:



  • Customize on-screen start, processing, and thank you messages. Great for customizing Sparkbooth for your event or language
  • Option to ask user for name and/or email for “Save to disk only”. Information is saved to delimited text file along with photo filename. Useful for sending photos to guest after the event.
  • Improved Facebook Connect sign-in process
  • Attempt to retry Facebook uploads if Facebook service is having problems
  • More user-interface refinements and improvements

This is a free update.


  • New photo layouts
  • Add custom image or logo to photos
  • Photos saved with higher resolution
  • Added ability to upload to Facebook and tumblr
  • Minor bug fixes
