Sparkbooth 2.3 has been released. This is a major release and contains many new features:
- Convert Twitter service uploaders to new OAuth authentication. On August 31th, Twitter turned off basic authentication which is used by all the Twitter upload services in Sparkbooth 2.2, so these upload services stopped working on that date. The conversion to OAuth will allow those upload services to continue to work.
- Add yfrog uploader
- Removed ScreenTweet, TwitDoc, and TwitSnaps uploaders since they do not support Twitter OAuth authentication requirement
- New re-print feature. Press control-P or command-P to reprint the last photo during the “Press Spacebar to Begin” screen.
- New application lock feature. When locked, users cannot quit the application, exit full screen, access settings or camera dialogs. Press control-L or command-L to toggle lock mode. Unlocking can be protected with a password.
- Added 3-photo and 1-photo layouts. Sparkbooth can now handle less than 4 photo sessions.
- Added video display-only theme. This is useful if you are using a 1-photo layout.
- Added usage statistics to Settings > Options > Other
- Fixed issue with clicking on “Press Spacebar to Begin” message to start photo session.
- Add missing “2 x 2 Top, Portrait” layout
- New 1 + 3 layouts
- New 4 x 1 duplicate strip with logo layout
- New 2” x 4” strip layout
To update, start Sparkbooth on your computer while connected to the internet and you will be prompted to install the update.