
Posts Tagged "printing"

Sparkbooth 3.4.26 is a maintenance update to fix a few issues:

  • Print button in Photo Album/Gallery screen now displays "Printing" message
  • Skipping share in Photo Album/Gallery screen no longer displays "Not Uploaded" message
  • Guest Twitter uploader has caption setting
  • Fixed authentication error message for Flickr and SmugMug, so you can see why the sign in failed
  • Fixed Flickr uploader to allow sign in via Google or Facebook
  • Improved handling of photo saving so if folder path does not exist, it will be created

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Sparkbooth print prompt screen
Sparkbooth print prompt screen

Just a small fix for the print prompt dialog which does not print for some printers like the Canon Selphy.

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I need help testing the new photo album feature in Sparkbooth 3.3. This new feature will allow your guests to browse through the previous photos taken, and they can print or send them to their Facebook, Twitter, or email accounts. Here is a quick demo.

Click to play video

Download and Try Out Sparkbooth 3.3 Preview

If you find any issues, please send me a message

Sparkbooth print prompt screen

Just in time for your Halloween party! This update adds the ability for guests to select the number of print copies. To turn this new option:

  1. Open Sparkbooth Settings by pressing F1 or the settings button in the upper right.
  2. Select the Options tab, and selecting Printing from the list
  3. Enable Printing. Also enable the print prompt by checking the option to "Prompt user to print" and "With preview"
  4. Select User Controls from the list to show the print copies control.
  5. Select "Enable Print Copies Selection"

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This is a maintenance release to improve printer setup:

  • The Test button in the printer settings will now always display the print dialog. This should allow you to setup any printer specific settings that are not available on the regular printer setup dialog.
  • When Sparkbooth starts with printing enabled, you can now setup printing or disable printing. If you choose printer setup, you can also display the print dialog after setup.

This is a maintenance release:

  • Photo layout settings control uses less memory.
  • Fix issue where the loading screen hangs on start up if the Flickr uploader is selected.
  • Tumblr uploader now works with accounts with multiple sites. Select the site to post photos by entering the correct tumblr.com url (i.e. yoursite.tumblr.com).
  • Posterous uploader renamed to "Posterous Twitter". Posterous has different upload APIs, the Posterous Twitter upload uses their Twitter authenticated API.
  • Allow negative print margins. This is useful in cases where the actually print area reported is different from actual. For example, if the top of your print is being cut off by 10 pixels. In this case, you will want to enter a top margin of 10px and bottom margin of -10px to push the entire photo down by 10px.
  • Change remaining comment character indicator.

Sparkbooth 2.3.3 has been released. This is a minor maintenance release to fix hot key issues with reprint, change color, and locking/unlocking.

To download this update, please start Sparkbooth and you will be automatically prompted to install the update.

Sparkbooth 2.3.2 has been released. Changes include:

  • Switch ScreenTweet uploader to new OAuth API
  • TweetPhoto is now Plixi. Updated service urls for new domain
  • Use control-K or command-K to switch video/image color on “Press space bar to begin” screen
  • Print prompt dialog now shows print preview

Sparkbooth 2.3 has been released. This is a major release and contains many new features:

  • Convert Twitter service uploaders to new OAuth authentication. On August 31th, Twitter turned off basic authentication which is used by all the Twitter upload services in Sparkbooth 2.2, so these upload services stopped working on that date. The conversion to OAuth will allow those upload services to continue to work.
  • Add yfrog uploader
  • Removed ScreenTweet, TwitDoc, and TwitSnaps uploaders since they do not support Twitter OAuth authentication requirement
  • New re-print feature. Press control-P or command-P to reprint the last photo during the “Press Spacebar to Begin” screen.
  • New application lock feature. When locked, users cannot quit the application, exit full screen, access settings or camera dialogs. Press control-L or command-L to toggle lock mode. Unlocking can be protected with a password.
  • Added 3-photo and 1-photo layouts. Sparkbooth can now handle less than 4 photo sessions.
  • Added video display-only theme. This is useful if you are using a 1-photo layout.
  • Added usage statistics to Settings > Options > Other
  • Fixed issue with clicking on “Press Spacebar to Begin” message to start photo session.
  • Add missing “2 x 2 Top, Portrait” layout
  • New 1 + 3 layouts
  • New 4 x 1 duplicate strip with logo layout
  • New 2” x 4” strip layout

To update, start Sparkbooth on your computer while connected to the internet and you will be prompted to install the update.

Sparkbooth 2.3 Beta is now available to try. You can download the beta from here. If you have a previous version of Sparkbooth installed, click the replace option during installation (the version is displayed as 2.2 in the install dialog). Changes in this beta include:

  • Convert Twitter service uploaders to new OAuth authentication. On August 31th, Twitter will be turning off basic authentication which is used by all the Twitter upload services in Sparkbooth 2.2. So these upload services will stop working on that date. Please use Sparkbooth 2.3 if you wish to continue using Twitter for uploads.
  • Add yfrog uploader
  • New re-print feature. Press control-P or command-P to reprint the last photo during the “Press Spacebar to Begin” screen.
  • New application lock feature. When locked, users cannot quit the application, exit full screen, access settings or camera dialogs. Press control+L or command+L to toggle lock mode. Unlocking can be protected with a password.
  • Fixed issue with clicking on “Press Spacebar to Begin” message to start photo session.
  • Add missing “2 x 2 Top, Portrait” layout
  • New 1 + 3 layouts
  • New 4 x 1 duplicate strip with logo layout
  • New 2” x 4” strip layout

Changes in this release include:

  • New landscape layouts
  • Fix layout preview in layout settings
  • Add option to enable click to start
  • Fix centering of message display
  • Add option to automatically set print orientation
  • New photo layout rendering engine

Note: I accidentally excluded the “2 x 2 Top” layout, you can download the fix for that here. Sorry about that!

This is a maintenance release. Changes include:

  • Add print margin controls. If your system’s print dialog does not have configurable margins, use these settings instead.
  • Fixed Flickr authorization
  • Re-enable click to start on Sparkbooth 1.0 theme
  • Other minor bug fixes

If you have Sparkbooth installed, start the application to get this update.

What's new with Sparkbooth 2:

  • Print automatically without the print setup dialog displayed
  • New user interface and animated timer
  • New skin themes
  • New voice prompts
  • Customize all photo layouts with overlay and background
  • SmugMug uploads
  • Flickr uploads
  • Fix Facebook extended permissions
  • Minimum screen size is now 600px by 400px
  • More count down and timing options
  • Save individual photos
  • Customizable logo
  • Option to upload and print

If you have a license for Sparkbooth 1, you can update to Sparkbooth 2 for free. Just start-up the application and it will prompt you to update.

If you have Sparkbooth 2 beta installed, you will need to uninstall the beta before installing the release version of Sparkbooth 2. You may have to reactivate the install, here are a couple FAQ articles that may help you with activating or resetting your activations:



Coming soon...

Automatic printing has been a frequently requested feature for Sparkbooth. I have been working on a solution which is waiting on the release of Adobe AIR 2.0. [Note: Please do not install Adobe AIR 2.0 beta and run Sparkbooth. I am getting reports of webcam and printer issues when running the beta. Only run Sparkbooth on the latest release, Adobe AIR 1.5.3]

In the meanwhile, wedding photographer Josh Rodriguez has come up with a solution in Mac OS X using a simple Automator script. Check out Josh's article. Great job Josh!

[Update April 2, 2010]: Someone has pointed out AutoPrint as a similar printing solution for Windows users. If you are using this, please let me know how well it works.